ark; cabinet; cupboard; tank【醫】 cabinet
1.chest 2.tank 3.ark 4.locker 5.chestofdrawers例句:
- 你把所有的舊衣服都處理掉,衣櫃里地方就大了。You'd have more room in your wardrobe if you turfed out all your old clothes.
- 我們用力把衣櫃搬上樓了。We heaved the wardrobe up the stairs.
- 把衣櫃放在對著門的那個角落裡。Put the wardrobe in the corner opposite the door.
- 我們所有的玻璃和陶瓷器皿都放在櫃櫥里。All our glass and china is kept in the cupboard.
- 我的文具櫃塞滿了紙。My stationery cupboard is full of paper.
- 學生們的櫥櫃非常寬敞。The students' cupboards are very commodious.
- 你能夠到櫃頂的那本書嗎?Can you reach the book on the top of the cupboard?
- 他把所有的衣服都放在大衣櫃里。He put all his clothes in the big wardrobe.