拼音:guǎ yán de 英文解釋:
close-lipped; closemouthed; short-spoken相關詞條:
unconfiding 2.
dumb 3.
reticent 例句:
- 這條船的船長是個沉默寡言的人,然而他的意圖總是絕對清楚的。
The ship's captain was a man of few words, yet his intentions were always perfectly clear.
- 他打破了平時一貫沉默寡言的習慣,把事情原原本本都告訴了我。
He broke out of his normal reticence and told me the whole story.
- 在大學的時候,我是個沉默寡言的人。
Back in my college days, I was a man of few words.
- 不願說話的;寡言的
Unwilling to speak; taciturn.
- 不合群的生性不喜歡與他人為伴的;沉默寡言的
Not disposed to seek the company of others; reserved.
- 嫻靜的,少言的態度或行為上謙恭並且沉默寡言的
Modest and reserved in manner or behavior.