音標[d?m] 讀音漢語翻譯
a. 啞的, 不說話的, 無聲音的
【醫】 啞的
strike sb dumb
名詞:dumbness 副詞:dumbly 形容詞比較級:dumber 最高級:dumbest 動詞過去式:dumbed 過去分詞:dumbed 現在分詞:dumbing 第三人稱單數:dumbs詞意辨析:
dumb, mute這兩個形容詞均有“啞的,不能說話的”之意。
dumb: 可與mute換用,但dumb指原本沒有說話能力或失去了說話能力。
mute: 多指因後天疾病而引起的聾啞,有時也指因故不說話。英文解釋:
形容詞 dumb:
- slow to learn or understand; lacking intellectual acuity同義詞:dense, dim, dull, obtuse, slow
- unable to speak temporarily同義詞:speechless
- lacking the power of human speech
- unable to speak because of hereditary deafness同義詞:mute, silent
- No animal of the horoscope is considered dumb or ugly or evil.
- Dumb dogs are dangerous.[諺]啞巴狗最危險。
- He was struck dumb by her sharp question.他被她那尖銳的問題弄得啞口無言。
- The man is as dumb as an oyster.那人極少說話。
- We were struck dumb with horror and grief.驚恐和憂傷使我們啞口無言。
Lacking the power of speech. Used of animals and inanimate objects.啞的:缺乏說話能力的。指有生命或無生命的物體Offensive Incapable of using speech; mute. Used of human beings.【無禮用語】 啞的,無言的:不能說話的;沉默的。指人Temporarily speechless, as with shock or fear:說不出話的:暫時說不出話的,如因為震驚或恐懼:例句:I was dumb with disbelief.我難以置信,一時說不上話來
Unwilling to speak; taciturn.不願說話的;寡言的Not expressed or articulated in sounds or words:沒有用言辭、聲音表達的:例句:dumb resentment.無聲的憎恨
Nautical Not self-propelling.【航海】 非自航的Conspicuously unintelligent; stupid:十分不明智的;愚蠢的:例句:dumb officials; a dumb decision.愚鈍的官員們;愚蠢的決定
Unintentional; haphazard:無意的;偶然的:例句:dumb luck.偶然的運氣
Computer Science Incapable of processing data:【計算機科學】 啞的,不智慧型的,被動的:不能處理數據的:例句:a dumb terminal.不智慧型的終端設備
v.tr.(及物動詞)dumbed,dumb.ing,dumbs To make silent or dumb.使沉默或變啞
<常用詞組>dumb down 或
dumb up 【俚語】
To rewrite for a less intelligent audience.為理解力較弱的觀眾重寫常用詞組>來源:Middle English 中古英文 from Old English 源自 古英文
n.(名詞)<參考辭彙><同義詞>dumb,inarticulate,mute,speechless同義詞>The central meaning shared by these adjectives is .lacking the faculty of speech or the power to speak.: 這一組形容詞共有的主要意義為.缺乏說話的能力或力量. 例句:dumb with fear;害怕得說不出話;
例句:inarticulate with rage;憤怒得說不出話;
例句:mute with astonishment;驚訝得說不出話;
例句:speechless with horror. See also Synonyms at stupid 嚇得說不出話 參見同義詞 stupid
dumb: 可與mute換用,但dumb指原本沒有說話能力或失去了說話能力。
mute: 多指因後天疾病而引起的聾啞,有時也指因故不說話。
形容詞 dumb:
- slow to learn or understand; lacking intellectual acuity同義詞:dense, dim, dull, obtuse, slow
- unable to speak temporarily同義詞:speechless
- lacking the power of human speech
- unable to speak because of hereditary deafness同義詞:mute, silent
- No animal of the horoscope is considered dumb or ugly or evil.
- Dumb dogs are dangerous.[諺]啞巴狗最危險。
- He was struck dumb by her sharp question.他被她那尖銳的問題弄得啞口無言。
- The man is as dumb as an oyster.那人極少說話。
- We were struck dumb with horror and grief.驚恐和憂傷使我們啞口無言。
Lacking the power of speech. Used of animals and inanimate objects.啞的:缺乏說話能力的。指有生命或無生命的物體Offensive Incapable of using speech; mute. Used of human beings.【無禮用語】 啞的,無言的:不能說話的;沉默的。指人Temporarily speechless, as with shock or fear:說不出話的:暫時說不出話的,如因為震驚或恐懼:例句:I was dumb with disbelief.我難以置信,一時說不上話來
Unwilling to speak; taciturn.不願說話的;寡言的Not expressed or articulated in sounds or words:沒有用言辭、聲音表達的:例句:dumb resentment.無聲的憎恨
Nautical Not self-propelling.【航海】 非自航的Conspicuously unintelligent; stupid:十分不明智的;愚蠢的:例句:dumb officials; a dumb decision.愚鈍的官員們;愚蠢的決定
Unintentional; haphazard:無意的;偶然的:例句:dumb luck.偶然的運氣
Computer Science Incapable of processing data:【計算機科學】 啞的,不智慧型的,被動的:不能處理數據的:例句:a dumb terminal.不智慧型的終端設備
v.tr.(及物動詞)dumbed,dumb.ing,dumbs To make silent or dumb.使沉默或變啞
<常用詞組>dumb down 或
dumb up 【俚語】
To rewrite for a less intelligent audience.為理解力較弱的觀眾重寫常用詞組>來源:Middle English 中古英文 from Old English 源自 古英文
n.(名詞)<參考辭彙><同義詞>dumb,inarticulate,mute,speechless同義詞>The central meaning shared by these adjectives is .lacking the faculty of speech or the power to speak.: 這一組形容詞共有的主要意義為.缺乏說話的能力或力量. 例句:dumb with fear;害怕得說不出話;
例句:inarticulate with rage;憤怒得說不出話;
例句:mute with astonishment;驚訝得說不出話;
例句:speechless with horror. See also Synonyms at stupid 嚇得說不出話 參見同義詞 stupid