拼音:guāng cǎi 英文解釋:
glorious; gloss; luster; radiance; sheen; splendor中文解釋:
明亮而華麗。也作“光采”顧盼遺光采,長嘯氣若蘭。&mda... >>
查看“光彩”在國語詞典中的解釋 漢語造句:
- 她得知這一訊息時臉上現出一種明亮的光彩。
Her face cleared up when she heard the news.
- 他給他那一行大增光彩。
He is an ornament to his profession
- 給…增加光澤、釉或光彩
To give a gloss, glaze, or sheen to
- 乏味的演出;沒有光彩的頭髮
A lusterless performance; lusterless hair
- 發光,有光澤、光彩
To become shiny or lustrous.
- 光澤,光彩
A surface shininess or luster.
- 那輛新車對格雷厄姆最適合了——光彩奪目。
That new car is Graham down to the ground-all bright and flashy.
- 我不願參與不光彩的陰謀。
I will not lend myself to dishonest schemes.