拼音:gōu xiāo英文解釋:
write off; strike out; line through【經】 strike off
∶抹殺;消除;用筆劃掉不僅查禁這本書,還要把它從目錄中勾銷這次衝鋒,像個疾雷,使... >>查看“勾銷”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.xout 2.cross...off 3.deletion相關對話:
- 我們的舊賬可以一筆勾銷!It's time we wrote off all our old scores!
- 握手言和,把以前的一切一筆勾銷吧。Take my hand so we can put all this behind us.
- 勾銷債務liquidate a debt
- 把…作為開支勾銷To write off as an expense.
- 註銷勾銷掉帳本上的一個項款A cancellation of an item in account books.
- 勾銷作為虧損從帳目上勾銷To cancel from accounts as a loss.
- 註銷勾銷掉帳本上的一個項款A cancellation of an item in account books
- 他的名字從我們的名冊上勾銷了。His name is no longer on our books.