拼音:gōu lè 英文解釋:
draw the outline of; outline中文解釋:
(1) ∶用線條描畫出輪廓(2) ∶用簡練的文筆敘述大概情況 >>
查看“勾勒”在國語詞典中的解釋 例句:
- 他把細節勾勒了進去。
He sketched in the details.
- 卓別林的名字會使人在腦海中勾勒出一個身材矮小、蓄著一撇小鬍子的流浪漢的形象。
The name of Chaplin conjures up the image of a little tramp with a brush mustache.
- 我把頭形勾勒出來,你可以在頭四周畫上天空。
I'll just rough in the shape of the head and you can paint the sky round it.
- 我來給你勾勒出新機翼的設計草圖。
Let me rough out to you the design for the news wing.
- 一排一排的白色墓石勾勒出這座公墓。
Lines of simple white headstones mark the graves.
- 刻畫或勾勒出…的特點
To depict or outline the features of.
- 她的頭髮把她的臉蛋勾勒成橢圓形。
He hair framed her face in a gentle oval
- 那幅畫把沉溺於熱戀中的青年男子的痴態勾勒得滑稽可笑。
The comic skit sent up the foolishness of young men in love.