拼音:gōng shì 英文解釋:
(1) ∶進攻的態勢採取攻勢(2) ∶組織好的強大軍事行動春季攻勢終於在俄國戰場... >>
查看“攻勢”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
aggressiveness 2.
attackingposition 3.
offense 4.
teamoffense 5.
attack 6.
toattack 相關對話:
- 發動這次攻勢的目的是要完全控制第七號公路。
The offensive was aimed at gaining complete control of route 7.
- 長時間準備的攻勢在3月份發動了。
The long-prepared offensive was launched in the middle of March.
- 他們很快送回了敵人新敗,尚無力迅速發動攻勢的報告。
What they found was a demoralized army in no hurry to fight.
- 工會正準備向政府發動有力的攻勢。
The unions are getting ready to mount a powerful attack on the government
- 你不能使用任何的語言攻勢他人,有民族差別主義者或猥褻的語言都是違反規則的。
You must not use any language used which is offensive, racist or obscene.
- 他對於我提出的發起一個更大規模的廣告攻勢的建議表示異議。
He took issue with me on my proposal for a large advertising campaign.
- 東北1947年冬季攻勢
Offensive Operation in the Winter of 1947 in Northeast China
- 情報人員報告說敵軍正在策劃發動新攻勢。
Intelligence has[have] reported that enemy is planning a new attack