拼音:gē zhì英文解釋:
lay aside; lay on the table; lay up; pigeonhole; pocket; shelve; table【經】 lock-up
(1) ∶把事情無限期地閒置一旁(如不予考慮)擱置一項動議祖沖之雖然駁斥了 戴法... >>查看“擱置”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.layup 2.lay...onthetable 3.layby 4.layaside 5.table 6.reserve 7.abeyance 8.putitoff 9.postponement 10.onice 11.totable 12.topigeonhole中英例句:
- 該工程必須擱置,等待委員會做決定。The project must remain in limbo until the committee makes its decision.
- 此項工程的擱置已導致了6個人被解僱。The shelving of the project have result in six redundancy.
- 興建新劇院的計畫因資金短缺只好擱置起來。The plans for a new theatre have had to be shelved because of lack of money.
- 決議被擱置。The decision was set aside.
- 他們不得不把度假計畫擱置,因為他們的兒子病了。They had to shelve their holiday plans because their son was ill.