拼音:gǎo luàn英文翻譯
jumble; mess; play the mischief with; snarl相關詞條:
1.makehayof 2.jumble 3.buggerup例句:
- 勞工黨工競選中搞亂了 * 陣線。The labor Party snarled up the opposition in an election.
- 我把這個計畫搞亂了嗎?Have I made a mess of the plan?
- 火車的誤點把我們所有的計畫都搞亂了。The late arrival of the train messed up all our plans.
- 律師向那位證人提出一連串問題,想要把他的頭腦搞亂。The lawyer shot one question after another at the witness in an effort to confuse him.