拼音:gào chuī英文解釋:
fail; fizzle out中文解釋:
宣告破滅或失敗原訂的計畫告吹了 >>查看“告吹”在國語詞典中的解釋中英例句:
- 那計畫的構想倒是十分宏偉,但終因準備不足而告吹。The plan, brilliant in its conception, failed because of inadequate preparation.
- 總之,計畫告吹了。In sum, the plan failed.
- 遷墳計畫只好告吹。The plan had to be given up.
- 城裡劇院上演的那台粗製濫造的戲第一夜演了後就關門告吹了。The turkey at the town theater closed on its first night.
- 使一切和解的希望頓時告吹Cut off all hopes of reconciliation
- 我和比爾的約會告吹了。My date with Bill fell through.
- 我們不去蘇州了 —— 整個計畫已經告吹。We’re not going to Suzhou — the whole thing’s fallen through.