拼音:gān bài xià fēng英文解釋:
candidly admit defeat中文解釋:
甘心誠服他人,自覺居於下位你贏了,我甘拜下風我偃旗息鼓,甘拜下風。—... >>查看“甘拜下風”在國語詞典中的解釋相關對話:
- 詹森先生得知誰是他的對手後,便甘拜下風退出比賽。Mr Johnson bowed out of the contest when he learned who his opponent was.
- 詹森先生得知誰是他的對手後,便甘拜下風退出比賽。Mr Johnson bowed out of the contest when he learned who his opponent was.
- 好呀, 這回你贏了, 我甘拜下風。All right, you've got me beaten there. I hand it to you.
- 他太太性子好強,所以他甘拜下風。His wife had the stronger mind, but he played second fiddle to her.