pleasant; sweet; willingly【醫】 gluco-; glyco-
甘 gān 甜,味道好:甘甜。甘苦。甘冽。甘落。甘之如飴。同甘共苦。甘旨(美味...>>查看“甘”在國語字典中的解釋
- 常汲之井涌甘泉。Draw wells have sweet water.
- 甘藍型油菜細胞質雄性不育系203A及其雜交種成油1號的選育Breeding of CMS 203A and Its Hybrid Chengyou No1 in Brassica napus L
- 天鵝絨般的:用於描述醇香、甘美、天鵝絨般柔和的優質葡萄酒。Velvety. Term applied to fine wine which is mellow and soft as velvet.
- 在海上有什麼飲品於你是甘甜的?從深海里你能找到什麼充飢?What drink is sweet to thee, what food shalt thou find from the deep?
- 1955年,他被派往甘南牧民中間當醫生。In 1955 he was assigned to practise among the herdsmen of southern Gannan.
- 山藥,甘薯這些植物的含澱粉根,在熱帶用作食物The starchy root of any of these plants, used in the tropics as food.