拼音:gǎi háng 英文解釋:
change one's profession中文解釋:
轉行;從原有行業轉而從事新行業他大學裡主修法律但後來改行搞經濟工作了 >>
查看“改行”在國語詞典中的解釋 例句:
- 他受過演員的訓練,但改行做了外交工作。
He was trained as an actor, but diverted to diplomacy.
- 為改行而收集更多的信息
Sought further information in contemplation of a career change
- “看來我早應該聽朋友們的勸告,改行做石油生產商。”
"I should have listened to my friends and become an oil producer instead."
- 麥加: 看來,我要改行去經銷體育用品了。
Maiga: It seems that I should change my profession to sell sports goods.
- 我猜測他會對改行經營後悔的。
I hazard the conjecture that he will regret having changed his business.
- 他原是學建築的,中途改行搞地質了。
At first he studied architecture, but later he switched to geology.