拼音:gǎi dòng 英文解釋:
alter; change; modify; turn中文解釋:
(1) 更改文字、內容、次序等改動字句改動一句話(2) 泛指改變作息時間已經改... >>
查看“改動”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
alteration 2.
adjustment 例句:
- 當事人相對提議再作一些改動,因此我們決定儘量少麻煩,毫無異議地把它們都納入進去。
The client wanted to make yet more changes to the proposal, so we decided to take the line of least resistance and incorporate all of them without protest.
- 校對員改動了一個詞,我批註不應改動,恢復原狀。
The proof-reader had changed a word but I stetted it.
- 我想就我的新工作作些改動,不過現在還早,不會產生糾紛。
I would like to change several things about my new job but it's too early yet to make waves.
- 最近供暖設備已稍加改動以提高效率。
The heating system has recently been modified to make it more efficient.