拼音:fù zhí英文解釋:
evaluate【計】 assign; assignation; assigned; assignment; bind; call by value
1.assign 2.assignment 3.valueassignment 4.assignavalue 5.valuation 6.evaluation相關對話:
- 把這個變數的聲明和對其賦值的代碼刪除掉。Remove the declaration and the assignment of the temp.
- 對主數據類型的賦值是非常直接的。Assignment of primitives is quite straightforward.
- 這樣做是為了檢查這個變數是否確實僅僅被賦值過一次。This checks that the temp is really only assigned to once.
- 將所有對該變數的引用動作,替換為對它賦值的那個表達式自身。Replace all references to that temp with the expression.
- 歸謬賦值法的使用與推廣The Use and Popularization of the Method to Valuate Law of Absurdity
- 一個賦值語句看起來像比較語句。An assignment statement which looks like a comparison
- 邏輯系統UL的廣義H-賦值Generalized H-valuation in Logic System UL
- VHDL RT級綜合中賦值語句的最佳化算法Algorithms of Assignment Statements Optimization in VHDL RTL Inference