拼音:fù shuì 英文解釋:
(1) ∶田賦及各種捐稅的總稱賦稅之繁重者,酌今昔而減之。—&mda... >>
查看“賦稅”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
gheld 2.
taxes 相關對話:
- 徵收員從公眾那兒收取賦稅或貢物的人
A collector of taxes or tribute from the public.
- 國會否決了升高賦稅
Congress nixed the tax hike.
- 人們在賦稅的重壓下受折磨。
The people groaned under the load of taxes.
- 幹勁十足,有進取心,節儉惜物,對這些美德的回報就是賦稅。
The reward of energy, enterprise and thrift—is taxes.
- 此制度的所需資金來源於全國保險稅和賦稅。
This system is funded out of national insurance contributions and taxation.
- 徵收員從公眾那兒收取賦稅或貢物的人
A collector of taxes or tribute from the public
- 賦稅的負擔沉重地壓在那個國家的人民身上。
The weight of taxation bore hard on the people of that country.