拼音:fēng shuò 英文解釋:
plentiful and substantial中文解釋:
(1).豐滿,肥胖。 唐 李德裕 《次柳氏舊聞》:“ 吳皇后 年幼體弱,皇孫體... >>
查看“豐碩”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關對話:
- 你們的鬥爭是很意義的,將來一定會結出豐碩的果實。
Your struggle is highly significant and is bound to bear rich fruit.
- 終於取得了豐碩成果。
Acquired a great achievement at last
- 該項研究有了豐碩的成果。
The research yielded a rich harvest
- 一個成功的計畫是很豐碩的。
A successful plan is fruitful
- 最後,祝願利樂質量培訓學校取得豐碩的培訓成果!
Finally, I wish that Tetra Pak Quality School will be a great success
- 改革開放取得豐碩成果。
Reform and opening up have yielded substantial results.
- 投遞郵件豐碩船在網際網路上.
Drop-ship items are bountiful on the Internet.