拼音:fēng mǎn 英文解釋:
(1) ∶人體胖得適度好看他的妻子很豐滿…而他則瘦小(2) ∶充足... >>
查看“豐滿”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關對話:
- 答:1.水的見證之豐滿乃是受水浸的終極目標,水浸乃是邁向水的見證之起步。
Ans: Water baptism is the first step toward the witness of water.
- 稻穗越豐滿,就越向下低垂;
The fuller the ear is of rice-grain, the lower it bends;
- 性感的具有豐滿或肉感的體形的曲線的
Having the curves of a full or voluptuous figure.
- 胸部豐滿的金髮女郎
a buxom blonde
- 姑娘的身段在青春期變得豐滿。
The figure of a girl fills out at puberty.
- 豐滿的體形
A full figure
- 傳統教堂空間碩大且構造複雜,聲環境特點是混響時間相當長,音樂極為豐滿而語言清晰度差。
A traditional church is large in space and complex in construction
- 體態豐滿而富有曲線美的
Having a full, shapely figure