拼音:fēi cháng英文解釋:
very; extraordinary; greatly; highly; in the extreme; rare; special; superunusual
(1) ∶不同尋常的非常會議非常行為而世之奇偉瑰怪非常之觀,常在於險遠。&mda... >>查看“非常”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.much 2.toadegree 3.molto 4.noend 5.allget-out 6.deucedly 7.sorely 8.darned 9.grossly 10.eversomuch 11.everso 12.infourteenlanguages 13.morethansomewhat 14.bokoo 15.morethanhalf 16.tokill漢語造句:
- 新聞界的力量非常大。The power of the press is very great.
- 辛苦工作了四個小時後,他覺得非常餓。He felt very hungry after four-hours' hard work.
- 我非常感謝您。I'm extremely grateful to you.
- 我祝你有非常幸福的未來。I wish you a very happy future.
- 我非常喜歡。I enjoyed it very much.
- 我在一家非常富有創新精神的公司工作。I worked in a very innovative company.