字典網>> 漢英字典>> F開頭詞條>>發揚的英文翻譯 “發揚”的日文翻譯


拼音:fā yáng


carry forward; carry on; develop; make full use of


發展和提倡 發揚正氣 >>查看“發揚”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 發揚民主作風
    develop a democratic style of work
  2. 發揚勤奮好學和刻苦精神。
    Develop the diligence likes to learn and assiduous spirit.
  3. 我們要把這些好的制度、好的傳統作風認真地恢復起來,發揚起來。
    Now we must work to restore and develop them in real earnest.
  4. 筆者卻認為,政府只能協助各族群保存並發揚各自的文化;
    I think the Government can only do so much.
  5. 我們必須發揚這樣的思想和行動,必須發揚這種自覺的能動性。
    We must give full scope to these ideas and actions, to this dynamic role.
  6. 打擊歪風, 發揚正氣
    combat evil trends and foster a spirit of uprightness
  7. 發揚人道主義精神,發展殘疾人事業。
    We will promote programs for the disabled in a humanitarian spirit.
