拼音:fā dá英文解釋:
develop; flourishing; upgrowth【機】 progress
已充分發展,各方面先進已開發國家 >>查看“發達”在國語詞典中的解釋漢語造句:
- 美國是一個發達的工業國家The United States is a developed industry
- 我們希望自己發達,也希望你們發達。We hope that we shall develop and that you will too.
- 你肩膀和胸部肌肉發達、這給我留下很深的印象。Your muscular shoulders and chest impress me deeply.
- 這個男人應該十分高大威猛,胸肌發達,有著足以把她揉成一團的力量。He is big, a barrel-chested guy who could squeeze her to a pulp.
- 現在我們有了新總裁,我們的公司將會財源茂盛,興旺發達。Now that we have a new president, our firm is going great guns
- 昆蟲的味覺高度發達。Insects have the most highly developed sense of taste.
- 沒有良好的經營管理,事業就不會興旺發達。A business will not thrive without good management
- 沒有一個發達地城市擁有如此不乾淨的空氣。No other developed city has such filthy air.