拼音:fàn rén英文解釋:
convict; criminal; culprit; malefactor; prisoner【法】 criminal; culprit; incarcerated individual; lag; offenders; prisoner
犯罪的人。多指在押的。《水滸傳》第九回:“如有流配來的犯人,可叫他投我莊上來。”... >>查看“犯人”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.culprit 2.malefactor 3.perpetrator 4.zek中英例句:
- 那個犯人無人看守。The prisoner was left unguarded.
- 那個犯人被手銬銬著。The prisoner was fastened by a shackle.
- 他拷打犯人。He tortured his prisoners.
- 他們對犯人的殘酷虐待激起了極大的憤怒。Their barbarous treatment of prisoners aroused great rage.
- 他們用繩索把犯人捆起來。They tied their prisoner up with a piece of rope.
- 將軍下令釋放犯人。The general directed that the prisoners should be set free.
- 那些犯人被警察輕而易舉地制服了。The criminals were easily overpowered by the police.
- 這個國王沒有寬容之心,殺死了所有的犯人。The king showed no mercy and killed all the prisoners.