拼音:fàn zuì zhě英文解釋:
malfeasant【法】 criminal offender; culprit; malfeasant; offenders; perpetrator
1.offender 2.delinquent漢語造句:
- 它不是關於增加犯罪者被拘禁時間和加重犯罪者量刑的法律。It is not about increasing jail time or sentencing for perpetrators.
- 但是這些典型的詐欺行徑應當儘快引起犯罪者的自責。But then the typical establishment crook is quick to express remorse.
- 設法得到犯罪者的罪證Tried to get the goods on the crook.
- 重罪監獄一種為重大犯罪者所設的監獄A prison for those convicted of major crimes.
- 他向地方法官說明犯罪者僅是個小孩。He represented to the magistrates that the offender was only a child.
- 重罪監獄一種為重大犯罪者所設的監獄A prison for those convicted of major crimes
- 一個聰明的犯罪者誤用了他的才智。A clever criminal perverts his talents
- 犯罪者免除懲罰的一段時期。a period during which offenders are exempt from punishment