拼音:fàn cuò英文解釋:
mistake; blunder; err; lapse; slip; stumble; trip相關詞條:
1.makemistakes 2.makemistake 3.offend 4.err 5.errancy 6.slip 7.lapse 8.trip(gear)相關對話:
- 你愈小心,你犯錯就會愈少。The more careful you are, the fewer mistakes you will make.
- 雖然他是好學生,偶而也會犯錯。Good student as he is (=Though he is a good student), he sometimes makes mistakes.
- 我們都易犯錯誤。We are liable to make mistakes.
- 我沒有一次說英文而不犯錯的。I never speak English without making mistakes.
- 犯錯人皆難免。To err is human.