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拼音:fān chū


turn inside out; turn out


(1).演奏。 漢 蔡琰 《胡笳十八拍》:“胡笳本自出 胡 中,緣琴翻出音律同... >>查看“翻出”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 你非得把這些老掉牙的醜事都翻出來不行嗎?
    Must you drag up all these old scandals?
  2. 翻出這些舊褲子給湯姆。
    I dug out these old trousers to give to Tom.
  3. 他搜了很長時間, 最後翻出了一封舊信件。
    His long search flung up one old letter.
  4. 他把口袋都翻出來,表明裡面是空的。
    He turned out his pockets to show they were empty.
  5. 我們把口袋翻出來,抖掉灰塵。
    I turned my pockets inside out to shake the dust out.
  6. 那個故事你是從哪兒翻出來的呀?
    Where did you rake that story up ?
  7. 在六月份我就翻出了短褲,結果卻發現我的大腿就像白軟乾酪似的。
    In June I dig out my shorts to discover my thighs resemble cottage cheese.
  8. 使翻出,使外翻將(身體某部分)裡面翻到外面,將內表面翻出使突出
    To cause(a body part) to turn inside out by eversion of an inner surface.
