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翻 fān 歪倒(d僶 ),反轉,變動位置,改變:推翻。翻車。翻卷。翻滾。翻騰...>>查看“翻”在國語字典中的解釋
- 他胡亂翻動桌上檔案, 裝出很忙的樣子.He shuffled the papers (around) on the desk, pretending to be busy
- 那馬把騎手掀翻在地。The horse flung his rider to the ground.
- 翻邊褲腳底部向上摺疊的部分The turned-up fold at the bottom of a trouser leg.
- 那男孩一躍便翻過了柵欄。The boy made a spring over the fence
- 一隻凳腳折斷,椅子翻倒了。The leg of the chair broke and the chair canted over.
- 扇形包機液傾翻機構原理及ADAMS仿真The Principle and ADAMS Simalation of thd Fan-shaped Dumping Machine
- 為翻越山脈的不斷努力A long pull across the mountains
- 在吊床上翻身很困難。It is difficult to turn over in a hammock.