拼音:fā dòng英文解釋:
launch; start; bring into play; levy; spark【電】 lunching
(1) (2) 使開始發動戰爭(3) 使機器運轉發動機器(4) ∶使行動起來;動... >>查看“發動”在國語詞典中的解釋漢語造句:
- 固體火箭發動機面向成本最佳化設計Optimization Design for Cost of Solid Rocket Motors
- 這位發明家發明了一種具有較少運動部件的新型發動機。The inventor contrived a new kind of engine with fewer moving parts .
- 克萊斯勒2.5L增壓發動機簡介Chrysler 2. 5L Supercharged Engine
- 可我寧願要走道旁的座位,我坐在發動機後面會感到噁心。But I prefer the aisle seat here I feel sick with a seat back to the engine
- 我們給車換過油後,它又可以發動了The car is acting itself again since we changed the oil.
- CFM56-3發動機3號軸承後油氣封嚴裝置分離故障的監控方法A New Method for Controlling CFM56-3 No3 Aft Air/Oil Seals Separation
- 巴基斯坦政府說,已經做好準備應對激進分子可能發動的報復行動。The government says it is bracing for a possible militant backlash
- 發動機電子控制系統與三元催化轉換器的匹配Matching of ESC and TWC