拼音:duàn rán 英文解釋:
absolutely; firmly
(1) ∶絕對地;無論如何斷然不能接受(2) ∶堅決;果斷斷然決定 >>
查看“斷然”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
resolute 2.
withdecision 3.
pointblank 4.
flatfooted 5.
assertively 6.
decisively 7.
onceandaway 例句:
- 聽說他們吵了架,他斷然遺棄了她。
The story is that they quarreled and he left her flat.
- 我的要求遭到了斷然拒絕。
My request was met with a flat refusal.
- 代表美國政府,我反對這種斷然的指控。
On behalf of the U.S. Government, I reject this accusation categorically.
- 格林先生早有準備,斷然答道:“是的,我要用。
" Green had a ready answer. "Yes, I am," he said emphatically.
- 但是吉格利斷然的說:“沒有人將在1月離開。”
But Gigli was adamant, "No-one will leave Juve in January."
- 他斷然拒絕為被告辯護。
He flatly declined to accept a brief on behalf of the accused
- 我三番五次請她來,她都斷然拒絕了。
I asked her several times to come but she categorically refused.