拼音:duàn jué英文解釋:
break off; cut off; part; sever; stop【法】 severance
(1) ∶中斷聯繫斷絕來往斷絕朋友關係(2) ∶不再連貫床頭屋漏無乾處,雨腳如麻... >>查看“斷絕”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.severance 2.cutoff 3.discontinuity 4.cessation 5.stop 6.rupture中英例句:
- 幾個南美洲國家和納粹德國斷絕了外交關係。Several South American states broke off diplomatic relations with Nazi Germany.
- 這兩個國家已經斷絕關係。The two countries have severed their relations.
- 他說他無意和他們斷絕關係。He said he had no intention of breaking off relations with them.
- 同鮑勃斷絕關係。Break it off with Bob.
- 斷絕氧氣的來源是滅火的一種方法。One way to put out a fire is to remove the supply of oxygen
- 當那個百萬富翁的女兒嫁給一個窮小子時, 他斷絕了和女兒的關係。The millionaire cast off his daughter when she married a poor young man
- 我想要與我的同伴斷絕關係。I want to dissociate myself from my companions.