拼音:dòng yuán英文解釋:
arouse; mobilize【醫】 mobilization; mobilize
(1) (2) 發動人們參加某項活動動員全家上山收紅薯(3) ∶把國家武裝力量從... >>查看“動員”在國語詞典中的解釋漢語造句:
- 第21,244名運動員是一位越戰老兵。The 21,244th runner to finish was a Vietnam veteran.
- 人們發現三名登山運動員死在山上,彼此用繩子系在一起。Three climbers have been found dead, roped together on the mountain.
- 把一起碰撞事故固定在公司運算放大器,在一名運動員恢復而沒有一套工具之後。Fixed a crash in Co-op after a player is revived without a kit
- * 聯合國幫助動員全世界的婦女。* The UN has helped mobilize women around the world.
- 他給運動員們做榜樣。He sets a good example to his athletes
- 參賽運動員在一次比賽中要跳多少個動作?How many dives does a racer have to take in an event?
- 他是一個足球運動員。A football player
- 這位運動員能跳兩米高。The athlete is able to jump two meters.