- 電動汽車驅動用永磁同步電動機轉子結構選擇
Rotor Structure Choice of Permanet Magnet Synchronous Motor in EV drive
- 慶祝活動用來表示慶祝的活動或其它表達歡樂的方式
A celebration or other expression of joy.
- 炮架樞軸炮架轉動用的樞軸
The pin on which a gun carriage revolves.
- 他們不得不動用儲蓄以度過這場危機。
They had to dig into their cooky jar to pull through the crisis.
- 她的丈夫生病了,她只好動用部分存款。
Her husband was ill and she had to cut into their savings.
- 如果言詞不能獲勝的話,我們就必須動用武力。
If words do not prevail , we must use force .
- 用漿劃動用船槳推動(船隻)
To propel(a watercraft) with paddles or a paddle
- 可以隨時儲存或動用的(稅後)收入。
income (after taxes) that is available to you for saving or spending.