凋 diāo 衰落:凋謝。凋殘。凋枯。凋萎。凋零。凋敝。 筆畫數:10; 部...>>查看“凋”在國語字典中的解釋
- 由於缺雨水,花園裡的玫瑰一朵朵地相繼凋零。The roses in this garden are dying off because there has been no rain.
- 使萎縮,使衰退使凋謝或退化;患萎縮To cause to wither or deteriorate; affect with atrophy.
- (2)CEM凋亡細胞數隨著附子提取物濃度增大和作用時間的延長而增多,呈現出對劑量時間依賴效應。(2) RTE showed a dose and time-dependent effect
- 三氧化二砷影響肝癌細胞系Hep201凋亡的研究Apoptosis Induced by As_2O_3 to Liver Cancer Line Hep201
- 醋氨酚中毒致大鼠肝細胞的凋亡Acetaminophen-induced apoptosis of hepatocyte in rats
- 隨著秋天的接近, 樹葉開始凋落。As autumn draws near, leaves begin to fall from the trees.
- 加溫、CDA-II可誘導KBV200發生凋亡。CDA-II and hyperthermia could induce KVB200 to apoptosis.
- γ-氨基丁酸對離體培養氂牛黃體細胞凋亡的影響Effect of GABA on apoptosis of luteal cells of yaks in vitro