a copy kept as a record; base; bottom; end; fundus; the truth of a matter【醫】 base; basement; bases; basi-; basio-; basis; batho-; bathy-; fimdi
floor; fundus; pavimentum; solum
底 dǐ 最下面的部分:底層。底座。底下(a.下面;b.以後)。海底。底肥。 ...>>查看“底”在國語字典中的解釋
1.fundus 2.bottom(head) 3.heelpiece 4.base 5.bed 6.floor(plate) 7.ground(ing) 8.basis漢語造句:
- 電話在底樓的小書房裡。The telephone was in the little study on the ground floor.
- 樓上的房間要比底層的暖和得多。The upstairs rooms are much warmer than those on the ground floor.
- 我的小狗一聽到打雷就藏到床底下。My little dog always hides under the bed when it thunders.
- 她彎下腰看床底下。She stooped low to look under the bed.
- 兩個戰士把炮從底座上卸下來。Two soldiers dismounted the gun from the base.
- 最底下的抽屜里有把剪刀。There is a pair of scissors in the bottom drawer.
- 船底生鏽了。The bottom of the boat was rusty.
- 請把底層書架上的書都撣一撣。Please dust all the books on the bottom shelf.