拼音:dǎ suàn英文解釋:
contemplate; figure on; intend; plan; propose; set out; think【經】 notion
(1) (2) 心裡有個計畫打算盡力而為(3) 想要達到一個目的打算勝過許多人(... >>查看“打算”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.contemplation 2.intend 3.makeanattemptattodo 4.propose 5.planon 6.contemplate 7.aim 8.calculate 9.notion 10.begoingto 11.setoutto 12.withtheintentionof 13.bemeantto 14.figureon 15.makeanattemptat 16.meaningto例句:
- 你打算做什麼?What do you plan to do?
- 我打算擔任這個工作。I'm planning to take the job.
- 他打算把財產轉讓給兒子。He intends to transfer the property to his son.
- 政府打算削減軍備開支。The government intends to cut expenditure on arms.
- 這座建築原來是打算用作餐廳的。This building was primarily intended to be a dinning hall.
- 我本來打算趕早班的火車,但是我起晚了。I intended to catch the early train, but I didn't get up in time.
- 他們目前沒有結婚的打算。They have no intention of getting married at present.
- 你聽到她打算辭職的傳聞了嗎?Have you heard of her intention to resign?