拼音:dǎo zhì英文解釋:
cause; bring about; generate; issue in; lead; reflect on; result in【法】 bring; result in
使產生,促成戰爭導致生活方式的大變化 >>查看“導致”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.issuein 2.leadto 3.resultin... 4.sparkoff 5.induce 6.conduceto 7.lead(pb) 8.conduce 9.reflecton 10.leadupto 11.openadoorto 12.openthedoorfor 13.cause 14.entail 15.bringon 16.causation例句:
- 暴亂導致3個年輕人被捕。The riot led to the arrest of three young men.
- 他那不光彩歷史的揭露導致了他的辭職。The revelation of his scandalous past led to his resignation.
- 這樣一種錯誤可能導致災難性的後果。Such a mistake would perhaps lead to disastrous consequences.
- 這些事件導致了宣戰。These events led to the declaration of war.
- 他的急燥鹵莽最終導致了他的毀滅。His rashness led ultimately to his ruin.
- 合法政權的被推翻導致一連串的暴亂。The overthrow of that lawful regime has resulted in a series of riot.
- 他的嚴重的錯誤導致了重大的損失。His costly mistake resulted in severe loss.
- 這起事故導致兩名乘客喪生。The accident resulted in the death of two passengers.