equal; proper; when; bear; serve as; work as; pawn
1.impledge 2.
proper 3.
suitable 4.
while 5.whenas 6.
represent 7.
replace 8.evenas 9.ontheoccasionof
- 我們應當遵守法律。
We should obey the law.
- 父輩應當被尊重。
A sire should be respected.
- 人應當傾聽自己的內心感覺。
He should listen to his intimate feelings.
- 我們應當堅持我們的意見。
We should adhere to our opinions.
- 你應當向警方控告他們的。
You should have reported them to the police.
- 當有人需要救助的時候,行動勝於言語。
Deeds are better than words when people are in need of help.
- 她有一門不及格,但我們必須考慮到她當時有病。
She failed one of the exam papers, but we ought to make allowance for the fact that she was ill.
- 當男主角策馬向夕陽馳去時,尾聲音樂逐漸消失。
The closing music fades out when the hero rides off into the sunset.
當的意思 當 (⑩噹) ā 充任,擔任:充當。擔(乶 )當。當之無愧。 掌管,
主持:當家。當權。當政。 正在那時候或那地方:當時。當代。當初。當今。當即(立即)。當年。當街。當院。 面對著:當面。當機立斷。首當