- 這個瀏覽區大規模地為人們提供消遣娛樂。
The resort offers recreation by wholesale.
- 在西非,有許多商行大規模地經營棕桐製品、可可和橡膠貿易。
In west Africa there are a number of businesses trading on a large scale in palm products, cocoa and rubber.
- 大規模地;豐富地
On a large scale; amply.
- 有些國家正在大規模地準備戰爭.
Some countries are preparing for war on a large scale.
- 我們正在大規模地準備戰爭。
We are preparing for war on a large scale.
- 大規模地形漫遊中的實時LOD算法研究
Study on the Real-Time LOD Algorithm for Large Scale Terrain Walkthrough
- 我們要大規模地提高文化水平。
We want to promote literacy on a mass scale.