拼音:dà mén 英文解釋:
entrance door; gate; portal; vomitory中文解釋:
(1) ∶整個建築物通向外面的主要的門(2) ∶大族(3) ∶接觸、容納、參加或... >>
查看“大門”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
entranceway 2.
vomitory 3.
portal 4.
entrancedoor 5.
mainentrance 中英例句:
- 他打起精神,一路向前走過那扇大門。
He gathered himself up and walked on through the gate.
- 馬車進入了宮殿的大門。
The carriage passed through the palace gate.
- 大門打開時發出刺耳的聲音。
The gate screeched as it opened.
- 監獄的大門哐當一聲關上了。
The prison gate clanged shut.
- 守夜人給她打開了大門。
The watchman opened the gate for her.
- 人們擠進了大門。
The people crushed through the gate.
- 大門口有士兵在守衛。
There are soldiers on guard at the gate.
- 大門太窄,汽車進不去。
The gate is too narrow for a car.