拼音:dǎ gé英文解釋:
hiccup; burp; belch; eruct; hiccough中文解釋:
呃逆的通稱。噯氣的通稱。如:打飽嗝兒。 >>查看“打嗝”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.gurk 2.makeabelch例句:
- 我得使寶寶打嗝。I need to burp the baby.
- 她笑得直打嗝。She laughed so much she got (the) hiccups.
- 當你不得不打嗝時,喝一杯冷水就好了。When you have to hiccup, drink a glass of cold water.
- 我得使寶寶打嗝。I need to burp the baby
- 她笑得直打嗝.She laughed so much she got (the) hiccups
- 當你不得不打嗝時,喝一杯冷水就好了。When you have to hiccup, drink a glass of cold water
- 我知道一種治打嗝肯定有效的藥物。I know an infallible cure for hiccups.