- 只有一支矛槍作為武器,他打退了五個進攻者。
Armed only with appear, he drove off five of his attackers.
- 攻擊者被打退了。
The attackers were driven off.
- 他僅用手槍就能打退印第安人和盜馬賊的侵犯。
He carries a gun to fight off Indians and cattle thieves.
- 他發誓要做後, 又想打退堂鼓。
He tried to cry off after swearing he would do it!
- 不要遇到一點困難就打退堂鼓。
Don't back up the moment you run up against a little difficulty
- 我們部隊的一個班打退了在人數上占優勢的敵人的6次進攻。
A squad of our troops held off six attacks of a numerically superior enemy.
- 擊退敵人;打擊慫恿吸菸;打退侵略者。
repel the enemy; push back the urge to smoke; beat back the invaders.