拼音:cóng róng bù pò英文解釋:
go easy中文解釋:
行止舒緩得度,無急迫之態 >>查看“從容不迫”在國語詞典中的解釋相關對話:
- 演講者從容不迫地走向講台。The speaker marched up to the platform.
- 既然沒有必要趕忙,我們動身就從容不迫了。Since there was no need to hurry, we took our time leaving.
- 放鬆、從容不迫;沒有匆忙。relaxed and leisurely; without hurry or haste.
- 他從容不迫地站起身來從房間裡走了出去。He stood up in a deliberate way and left the room
- 在做重大的事情之前要從容不迫地思考一下。Take your time to reflect before doing important things.
- 他從容不迫地站起身來從房間裡走了出去。He stood up in a deliberate way and left the room.
- 他從容不迫,進行了細緻的調查。He took his time and made a careful inquiry