- 它們從來不傷害任何人,從來沒有壞念頭或惡意,即使是在遇到挑戰時也是如此。
Never hurting anyone, never a bad thought or feeling, even when challenged.
- 我從來沒有讀過比這更激動人心的故事。
I've never read a more stirring story
- 不。我還從來沒有這樣的機會。
No, I have never got such a chance.
- 在舊社會我們的生活從來沒有真正的保障。
In the old society we never knew real security
- 我從來沒有想到,有一天我居然會住在美國。
I never realized that someday I would be living in America.
- 從來沒有一個戴著黑色圓頂禮帽的人過來給我錢。
Never did a man with a bowler hat come to offer me money.
- 她似乎從來沒有做過錯事。
She seems never to put a foot wrong.
- 我從來沒有跟他說什麼愛得夠不夠的事。
And I never said kind of not enough love things to him.