字典網>> 漢英字典>> C開頭詞條>>匆忙的英文翻譯


拼音:cōng máng


haste; hurry; in a hurry; in haste; scramble
【經】 rush


1.haste  2.hurry  3.inahurry  4.precipitancy  5.rush  6.whirry  7.inhaste  8.precipitance  9.scramble  


  1. 一個人的第一個印象是,每個人都是匆忙的。
    One's first impression is likely to be that everyone is in a rush.
  2. 匆忙離開那個村子,甚至沒有時間和我的嚮導道別
    I left the village in a hurry and even had no time to say good-bye to my guide.
  3. 我很匆忙,所以隨便地把衣服穿上了。
    I was in such a hurry that I put my clothes on anyhow.
  4. 不要認為美國人如此匆忙是不友善的。
    Do not think that Americans are in such a hurry that they are unfriendly.
  5. 如果你匆匆忙忙地做事,那你就要出差錯。
    You make mistakes if you do things in a hurry.
  6. 她匆匆忙忙涉水過了河。
    She forded the river in a hurry.
  7. 她匆匆忙忙向電報局去了。
    She went to the telegraph office in a hurry.
  8. 匆忙之中,他忘了帶眼鏡。
    In his haste, he forgot to bring his glasses with him.


匆忙的意思 匆促;忙碌詳細解釋急急忙忙。 明 沉鯨 《雙珠記·月下相逢》:“ * 覲君王,行色匆忙,登山涉水苦風霜。” 清 龔自珍 《金明池》詞:“早燕子匆忙,楊花零亂,好煞年光將去。” 老舍駱駝祥子》四
