拼音:cì xiù pǐn英文解釋:
- 一件刺繡品A piece of embroidered fabric
- 圖案某種裝飾性的設計畫像或圖案,如刺繡品上使用的一種(裝飾或圖案等)A decorative design, figure, or pattern, as one used in embroidery.
- 刺繡品,針織品一件這樣的紡織藝術品A piece of such textile art.
- 刺繡品,針織品一件這樣的紡織藝術品A piece of such textile art
- 一件刺繡品A piece of embroidered fabric.
- 圖案某種裝飾性的設計畫像或圖案,如刺繡品上使用的一種(裝飾或圖案等)A decorative design, figure, or pattern, as one used in embroidery
- 精緻的刺繡品a delicate piece of embroidery
- 她開始將她的刺繡品摺疊起來。She began folding up her embroidery.