拼音:cì shāng英文解釋:
gore; stab【醫】 nygma; punctura; puncture; puncture wound
用鋒利的東西刺或戳而受傷他的胸膛下部被刺傷,即使不會致命,也是傷勢嚴重的 >>查看“刺傷”在國語詞典中的解釋漢語造句:
- 我不想再次刺傷你的心.I do not want to sadden you again.
- 她用刀子刺傷了他的腿部。She stabbed him on the leg with a knife
- 他被尖端浸過毒的長矛刺傷了。He was wounded with a spear that had been tipped with poison
- 我在他的腿上發現一處刺傷。I found a stab wound on his leg
- 他從視窗跌下來,被籬笆刺傷了。He fell out of the window and was impaled on the fence.
- 用刀切割,用刀割傷用刀,尤指刺傷;用刀弄傷To use a knife on, especially to stab; wound with a knife
- 那句話刺傷了我。That gets me where it hurts.
- 她因為嚴重的刺傷被送到醫院。She was taken to hospital with severe stab wounds.