拼音:cí shàn jiā英文解釋:
philanthropist【法】 philanthropist
1.philanthrope 2.Carnegie相關對話:
- 他是我僅能想想來的慈善家,把自己的錢財送人絕不附帶任何條件。He is the only philanthropist I can think of who gave away his fortune with absolutely no strings binding its use.
- 他是當饑荒之際,只會建議供應牙籤的那一類聰明的慈善家之一。He is one of those wise philanthropists who, in a time of famine, will vote for nothing but a supply of toothpick.
- 這所大學的創建人是位腰纏萬貫的慈善家。The university was founded by a millionaire philanthropist.
- 那個守財奴被說成是個慈善家。The miser was puffed as a philanthropist
- 他也稱B先生是位慈善家。He also called Mr. B a philanthropist.
- 她晚年時成了一位女慈善家。In her later years she became a lady bountiful
- 這位富有的慈善家給母校捐款數百萬美元。The rich philanthropist donated millions of dollars to his alma mater.
- 他也稱B先生是位慈善家。He also called Mr B a philanthropist