拼音:cí shàn zǔ zhī 英文解釋:
【法】 charitable organization相關詞條:
hospital 中英例句:
- 祖父是個大富翁,他經常收到一些慈善組織寄來的募捐信。
My grandfather, who was a millionaire, often received begging letters from charitable organizations.
- 按照醫院的使命,每五張住院床位就有一張是由不同的慈善組織贊助付費的。
Each of five beds is sponsored by a different charitable group
- 一個慈善組織
A benevolent organization
- 現在會撥更多的資金給慈善組織。
More funds will now be allocated to charitable organizations.
- 按照醫院的使命,每五張住院床位就有一張是由不同的慈善組織贊助付費的。
Each of five beds is sponsored by a different charitable group.