字典網>> 漢英字典>> C開頭詞條>>蠢的英文翻譯



clumsy; dull; foolish; stupid


  1. 他雖說又愚吝嗇,但他有幽默的長處。
    He may be stupid and mean, but his one saving grace is his humour.
  2. 真是個愚的白痴!
    What a stupid idiot!
  3. 他真是愚,竟會拒絕做那份名報的新聞記者。
    It is stupid of him to refuse a job as a reporter on that well known newspaper.
  4. 似乎是個萬事通。其實他是再愚不過了。
    It seems as if he knew everything, but in reality, he is as stupid as can be.
  5. 甚至連吃飯都不會。
    He is so stupid that he can't so much as eat.
  6. 他說了什麼來解釋他那愚的行為?
    What did he say in explanation of his stupid behavior?
  7. 他的坦白簡直太愚了!
    His plainness is just stupid!
  8. 你這豬!
    You stupid jerk!


蠢的意思 蠢 ǔ 愚笨,笨拙:蠢人。蠢材。蠢話。蠢事。蠢然。蠢拙。蠢笨。 蟲子蠕動:蠢動。蠢蠢。蠢蠢欲動(指壞人伺機欲動或敵人準備進犯)。 笨傻愚 筆畫數:; 部首:蟲; 筆順編號:
