拼音:chū bǎn zhě英文解釋:
publisher【法】 publisher
從事出版工作的人或生產出版物的企業 >>查看“出版者”在國語詞典中的解釋中英例句:
- 出版者的名稱和地址(通常印在書名頁上)Name and address of the publisher, usu printed on the title-page of a book
- 審稿人被某出版者雇用來閱讀並評估稿件的人A person employed by a publisher to read and evaluate manuscripts.
- 出版者:它只需要一個的新的書名和稍加改動。Publisher: It just needs a new title and a little revising
- 出版者:你看,馬克斯━聽起來很不錯。Publisher: You see, Max - it sounds good.
- 這本書確實給出版者贏得了榮譽。The book really does great credit to the publisher.
- 由代人寫作的人、僱傭文人或出版者組成的名聲不好的文人階層The literary demimonde of ghost writers, hacks, and publicists.
- 出版者:它只需要稍加改動,照我所說的。Publisher: It just needs revising, as I said.
- 在該輸入框中填入您的條目的出版者。Enter the name of the publisher of this item.