字典網>> 漢英字典>> C開頭詞條>>出賣的英文翻譯 “出賣”的日文翻譯


拼音:chū mài


betray; give away; peach against; sell; sell out; trade out
【經】 on offer


(1) ∶賣東西(2) ∶為了尋求自己的利益,背叛自己的親人或朋友等談判者們出賣... >>查看“出賣”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 這種人靈魂也會出賣
    Such people are ready to sell their souls.
  2. 沒有一個出賣要約是通過拍賣廣告發出的。
    No offer for sale is made by the advertisement of the auction.
  3. 廉價出賣,虧本出售以低於實際價值的價格出售(某物)
    To sell(something) at a price less than the actual value.
  4. 墨菲斯托菲里斯浮士德傳說中的魔鬼,浮士德將自己的靈魂出賣給了這個魔鬼
    The devil in the Faust legend to whom Faust sold his soul
  5. 工人完全地或主要地以出賣勞動力為生。
    Workers make their living wholly or mainly by selling their labour power.
  6. 你把我說的話告訴湯姆時,真把我給出賣了。
    You really crossed me up when you told Tom what I said.
  7. 他被迫廉價出賣土地。
    He was forced to sell off his land.
  8. 他將他的朋友出賣給敵人。
    He betrayed his friends to the enemy .
